
File - $UsnJrnl (Any)

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A user-readable equivalent of the LogFile.


Type Description Name
0x30 $FILE_NAME $UsnJrnl
0x80 $DATA $J
0x80 $DATA $Max

Layout of the File

$J Data Stream

    repeating group
Offset Size Description
0x00 4 Size of entry
0x04 2 Major Version
0x06 2 Minor Version
0x08 8 MFT Reference
0x10 8 Parent MFT Reference
0x18 8 Offset of this entry in $J
0x20 8 Timestamp
0x28 4 Reason
0x2B 4 SourceInfo
0x30 4 SecurityID
0x34 4 FileAttributes
0x38 2 Size of filename (in bytes)
0x3A 2 Offset to filename
0x3C V Filename
V+0x3C P Padding (align to 8 bytes)

$Max Data Stream

Offset Size Description
0x00 8 Maximum Size
0x08 8 Allocation Delta
0x10 8 USN ID (a)
0x18 8 Lowest Valid USN

(a) In version 2.0 of the USN Journal, Microsoft uses a FILETIME 64-bit value to randomize the USN ID. However, future versions might use another way to generate the ID, so it is not safe to assume this to be the time of the journals creation.


Version Number
The current version number is 2.0 (Major = 2, Minor = 0).
Reason Flags
Flag Description
0x01 Data in one or more named data streams for the file was overwritten.
0x02 The file or directory was added to.
0x04 The file or directory was truncated.
0x10 Data in one or more named data streams for the file was overwritten.
0x20 One or more named data streams for the file were added to.
0x40 One or more named data streams for the file was truncated.
0x100 The file or directory was created for the first time.
0x200 The file or directory was deleted.
0x400 The user made a change to the file's or directory's extended attributes. These NTFS attributes are not accessible to Windows-based applications.
0x800 A change was made in the access rights to the file or directory.
0x1000 The file or directory was renamed, and the file name in this structure is the previous name.
0x2000 The file or directory was renamed, and the file name in this structure is the new name.
0x4000 A user changed the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED attribute. That is, the user changed the file or directory from one that can be content indexed to one that cannot, or vice versa.
0x8000 A user has either changed one or more file or directory attributes or one or more time stamps.
0x10000 An NTFS hard link was added to or removed from the file or directory
0x20000 The compression state of the file or directory was changed from or to compressed.
0x40000 The file or directory was encrypted or decrypted.
0x80000 The object identifier of the file or directory was changed.
0x100000 The reparse point contained in the file or directory was changed, or a reparse point was added to or deleted from the file or directory.
0x200000 A named stream has been added to or removed from the file, or a named stream has been renamed.
0x80000000 The file or directory was closed.
Source Info Flags
Flag Description
0x01 The operation provides information about a change to the file or directory made by the operating system. A typical use is when the Remote Storage system moves data from external to local storage. Remote Storage is the hierarchical storage management software. Such a move usually at a minimum adds the USN_REASON_DATA_OVERWRITE (0x01) flag to a USN record.
0x02 The operation adds a private data stream to a file or directory. An example might be a virus detector adding checksum information. As the virus detector modifies the item, the system generates USN records. USN_SOURCE_AUXILIARY_DATA (0x02) indicates that the modifications did not change the application data.
0x04 The operation creates or updates the contents of a replicated file. For example, the file replication service sets this flag when it creates or updates a file in a replicated directory.

Other Information

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