
Attribute - $FILE_NAME (0x30)

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This Attribute stores the name of the file attribute anl is always resident.

As defined in $AttrDef, this attribute has a minimum size of 68 bytes and a maximum of 578 bytes. This equates to a maximum filename length of 255 Unicode characters.

Layout of the Attribute (Resident)

Offset Size Description
~ ~ Standard Attribute Header
0x00 8 File reference to the parent directory.
0x08 8 C Time - File Creation
0x10 8 A Time - File Altered
0x18 8 M Time - MFT Changed
0x20 8 R Time - File Read
0x28 8 Allocated size of the file
0x30 8 Real size of the file
0x38 4 Flags, e.g. Directory, compressed, hidden
0x3c 4 Used by EAs and Reparse
0x40 1 Filename length in characters (L)
0x41 1 Filename namespace
0x42 2L File name in Unicode (not null terminated)


File Reference

This is a File Reference to the base record of the parent directory.

File Size

The allocated size of a file is the amount of disk space the file is taking up. It will be a multiple of the cluster size. The real size of the file is the size of the unnamed data attribute. This is the number that will appear in a directory listing.

N.B. The Real Size is only present if the Starting VCN is zero. See the Standard Attribute Header for more information.


Flag Description
0x0001 Read-Only
0x0002 Hidden
0x0004 System
0x0020 Archive
0x0040 Device
0x0080 Normal
0x0100 Temporary
0x0200 Sparse File
0x0400 Reparse Point
0x0800 Compressed
0x1000 Offline
0x2000 Not Content Indexed
0x4000 Encrypted
0x10000000 Directory (copy from corresponding bit in MFT record)
0x20000000 Index View (copy from corresponding bit in MFT record)

Other Information

NTFS implements POSIX-style Hard Links by creating a file with several Filename Attributes. Each Filename Attribute has its own details and parent. When a Hard Linked file is deleted, its filename is removed from the MFT Record. When the last link is removed, then the file is really deleted.

N.B. All fields, except the parent directory, are only updated when the filename is changed. Until then, they just become out of date. $STANDARD_INFORMATION Attribute, however, will always be kept up-to-date.

N.B. If the file has EAs (Extended Attributes), then the EA Field will contain the size of buffer needed.

N.B. If the file is a Reparse Point, then the Reparse Field will give its type.

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