
Attribute - $INDEX_ROOT (0x90)

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This is the root node of the B+ tree that implements an index (e.g. a directory). This file attribute is always resident.

    Always resident.

Layout of the Attribute

    link up below
Standard Attribute Header
Index Root
Index Header
Index Entry
Index Entry

Index Root

Offset Size Description
~ ~ Standard Attribute Header
0x00 4 Attribute Type
0x04 4 Collation Rule
0x08 4 Size of Index Allocation Entry (bytes)
0x0C 1 Clusters per Index Record
0x0D 3 Padding (Align to 8 bytes)

Index Header

Offset Size Description
0x00 4 Offset to first Index Entry
0x04 4 Total size of the Index Entries
0x08 4 Allocated size of the Index Entries
0x0C 1 Flags
0x0D 3 Padding (align to 8 bytes)



As defined in $AttrDef, this attribute has a no minimum or maximum size.


Flag Description
0x00 Small Index (fits in Index Root)
0x01 Large index (Index Allocation needed)
    silly to have a flag of 0x00, remove

The large index flag indicates whether the file attributes index allocation and bitmap are present (when the index is small enough to be stored completely in the root node, these two file attributes are missing).

Sequence of index entries

This is a sequence of index entries that has a variable length. The sequence is terminated with a special index entry whose last entry flag is set.

    This is the header for indexes, describing the INDEX_ENTRY records, which
    follow the INDEX_HEADER. Together the index header and the index entries
    make up a complete index.

    This is followed by a sequence of index entries (INDEX_ENTRY structures)
    as described by the index header.

    When a directory is small enough to fit inside the index root then this
    is the only attribute describing the directory. When the directory is too
    large to fit in the index root, on the other hand, two aditional attributes
    are present: an index allocation attribute, containing sub-nodes of the B+
    directory tree (see below), and a bitmap attribute, describing which virtual
    cluster numbers (vcns) in the index allocation attribute are in use by an
    index block.

    NOTE: The root directory (FILE_$root) contains an entry for itself.

    struct {
            ATTR_TYPES type;
            Type of the indexed attribute. Is $FILENAME for directories, zero
            for view indexes. No other values allowed.
            COLLATION_RULES collation_rule;        Collation rule used to sort the
            index entries. If type is $FILENAME, this must be COLLATION_FILENAME.

            __u32 bytes_per_index_block;
            Byte size of each index block (in the index allocation attribute).

            __u8 clusters_per_index_block;
            Cluster size of each index block (in the index allocation attribute), when
            an index block is >= than a cluster, otherwise this will be the log of
            the size (like how the encoding of the mft record size and the index
            record size found in the boot sector work). Has to be a power of 2.
    }  INDEX_ROOT;

List of Common Indexes

Name Index Of Used By
$I30 Filenames Directories
$SDH Security Descriptors $Secure
$SII Security Ids $Secure
$O Object Ids $ObjId
$O Owner Ids $Quota
$Q Quotas $Quota
$R Reparse Points $Reparse
    which elements are shared between indexes?
    not relevant for index root

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