
File - $LogFile (2)

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Type Description Name
0x30 $FILE_NAME $LogFile
0x80 $DATA [Unnamed]

Layout of the File

Unnamed Data Stream

Little is known about the LogFile's structure.


Other Information

The logging area consists of a sequence of 4KB log records. Each logrecord is structured as follows:

    offset(length)   contents
    0(4)             Magic number 'RCRD'
    1E(12)           Fixup

The logrecord supposedly contains a sequence of variable sized records. The structuring of those is not clear. File 2 is $LogFile, which contains transaction records to guarantee data integrity in case of a system failure. As pp. 37 describe, it consists of 2 copies of the restart area, and the 'infinite' logging area.

When you want to write a file on a storage unit, you have to update the file itself plus some tables of the filesystem (say as an example the date of the file). At this point, you need a transaction made of 2 operations (update the file itself, update the date of the file).

If the transaction is realized, you are sure that your file is written on the storage unit, and that the filesystem has been left in a defined state.

If the transaction is not realized (in case of e.g. power failure, or system failure in general), the filesystem is in an undefined state. The only way for you to put it back in a defined (and sane) state (this operation is called a roll-back) is to log in a special file, the log file, which operations of the transaction have been successfully completed.

At the first access to the disk after a system failure, the system read the log file and rolls back all the operations to the beginning of the last transaction.

    Log file organization:
    Two restart areas present in the first two pages (restart pages). When
    the volume is unmounted they should be identical.
    These are followed by log records organized in pages headed by a record
    header going up to log file size. Not all pages contain log records when a
    volume is first formatted, but as the volume ages, all records will be used.
    When the log file fills up, the records at the beginning are purged (by
    modifying the oldest_lsn to a higher value presumably) and writing begins
    at the beginning of the file. Effectively, the log file is viewed as a
    circular entity.

    Log file restart page header (begins the restart area).

    struct {
            NTFS_RECORD;                The magic is "RSTR".
            __u64 chkdsk_lsn;        The check disk log file sequence number for
                                       this restart page. Only used when the
                                       magic is changed to "CHKD". = 0
            __u32 system_page_size;        Byte size of system pages, has to be >= 512
                                       and a power of 2. Use this to calculate the
                                       required size of the usa and add this to the
                                       ntfs.usa_offset value. Then verify that the
                                       result is less than the value of the
                                       restart_offset. = 0x1000
            __u32 log_page_size;        Byte size of log file records, has to be
                                       >= 512 and a power of 2. = 0x1000
            __u16 restart_offset;        Byte offset from the start of the record to
                                       the restart record. Value has to be aligned
                                       to 8-byte boundary. = 0x30
            __s16 minor_ver;        Log file minor version. Only check if major
                                       version is 1. (=1 but >=1 is treated the
                                       same and <=0 is also ok)
            __u16 major_ver;        Log file major version (=1 but =0 is ok)

    Log file restart area record. The offset of this record is found by adding
    the offset of the RESTART_PAGE_HEADER to the restart_offset value found in

    struct {
            __u64 current_lsn;        Log file record. = 0x700000, 0x700808
            __u16 log_clients;        Number of log client records following
                                       the restart_area. = 1
            __u16 client_free_list;        How many clients are free(?). If != 0xffff,
                                       check that log_clients > client_free_list.
                                       = 0xffff
            __u16 client_in_use_list;How many clients are in use(?). If != 0xffff
                                       check that log_clients > client_in_use_list.
                                       = 0
            __u16 flags;                ??? = 0
            __u32 seq_number_bits;        ??? = 0x2c or 0x2d
            __u16 restart_area_length;Length of the restart area. Following
                                       checks required if version matches.
                                       Otherwise, skip them. restart_offset +
                                       restart_area_length has to be <lt;=
                                       system_page_size. Also, restart_area_length
                                       has to be >= client_array_offset +
                                       (log_clients * 0xa0). = 0xd0
            __u16 client_array_offset;Offset from the start of this record to
                                       the first client record if versions are
                                       matched. The offset is otherwise assumed to
                                       be (sizeof(RESTART_AREA) + 7) & ~7, i.e.
                                       rounded up to first 8-byte boundary. Either
                                       way, the offset to the client array has to be
                                       aligned to an 8-byte boundary. Also,
                                       restart_offset + offset to the client array
                                       have to be <lt;= 510. Also, the offset to the
                                       client array + (log_clients * 0xa0) have to
                                       be <lt;= SystemPageSize. = 0x30
            __u64 file_size;        Byte size of the log file. If the
                                       restart_offset + the offset of the file_size
                                       are > 510 then corruption has occured. This
                                       is the very first check when starting with
                                       the restart_area as if it fails it means
                                       that some of the above values will be
                                       corrupted by the multi sector transfer
                                       protection! If the structure is deprotected
                                       then these checks are futile of course.
                                       Calculate the file_size bits and check that
                                       seq_number_bits == 0x43 - file_size bits.
                                       = 0x400000
            __u32 last_lsn_data_length;??? = 0, 0x40
            __u16 record_length;        Byte size of this record. If the version
                                       matches then check that the value of
                                       record_length is a multiple of 8, i.e.
                                       (record_length + 7) & ~7 == record_length.
                                       = 0x30
            __u16 log_page_data_offset;??? = 0x40

    Log file client record. Starts at 0x58 even though AFAIU the above it should
    start at 0x60. Something fishy is going on. /-:

    struct {
            __u64 oldest_lsn;        Oldest log file sequence number for this
                                       client record. = 0xbd16951d
            __u64 client_restart_lsn;??? = 0x700000, 0x700827, 0x700d07
            __u16 prev_client;        ??? = 0x808, 0xd07, 0xd5d
            __u16 next_client;        ??? = 0x70
            __u16 seq_number;        ??? = 0, 4 size uncertain, Regis calls this
                                       "volume clear flag" and gives a size of one
            __u16 client_name;       ??? = empty string??? size uncertain

    NOTE: Above client record is followed by 0xffffffff probably to indicate
    the end of the restart area.
    Then there are 8 bytes = 0, then one __u32 = 8, followed by the Unicode
    string "NTFS" and then zeroes till the end of the page.
    Is this important at all?

    Log page record page header. Each log page begins with this header and is
    followed by several LOG_RECORD structures.

    struct {
            NTFS_RECORD;                        The magic is "RCRD".
            union {
                    __u64 last_lsn;
                    __u32 file_offset;
            }  copy;
            __u32 flags;
            __u16 page_count;
            __u16 page_position;
            union {
                    struct {
                            __u64 next_record_offset;
                            __u64 last_end_lsn;
                    }  packed;
            }  header;

    Possible flags for log records.

    enum {
            LOG_RECORD_MULTI_PAGE = 1,        ???
            LOG_RECORD_SIZE_PLACE_HOLDER = 0xffff,
                    This has nothing to do with the log record. It is only so
                       gcc knows to make the flags 16-bit.

    Log record header.

    struct {
            __u64 this_lsn;
            __u64 client_previous_lsn;
            __u64 client_undo_next_lsn;
            __u32 client_data_length;
            struct {
                    __u16 seq_number;
                    __u16 client_index;
            }  client_id;
            __u32 record_type;
            __u32 transaction_id;
            LOG_RECORD_FLAGS flags;
            __u16 reserved_or_alignment[3];
    Now are at ofs 0x30 into struct.
            __u16 redo_operation;
            __u16 undo_operation;
            __u16 redo_offset;
            __u16 redo_length;
            __u16 undo_offset;
            __u16 undo_length;
            __u16 target_attribute;
            __u16 lcns_to_follow;                   Number of lcn_list entries following this entry.
            __u16 record_offset;
            __u16 attribute_offset;
            __u32 alignment_or_reserved;
            __u32 target_vcn;
            __u32 alignment_or_reserved1;
            struct {                           Only present if lcns_to_follow is not 0.
                    __u32 lcn;
                    __u32 alignment_or_reserved;
            }  lcn_list[0];
    }  LOG_RECORD;

    The restart area (supposedly) has a pointer into the log area, such as
    the first and last log records written and the last checkpoint record
    written. If the restart area is screwed, recovery will be very hard -
    therefore you have two copies of the restart areas.
    Individual log records are identified by logical sequence numbers
    (LSNs). The log area wraps around, but the LSNs don't (at least not
    anytime soon), so they are used for identifying log records instead of
    the offset in the log file.
    Any modification of meta data (such as updating the time stamp that
    the file system was opened) will result in log file actions, which in
    turn result in restart area changes. It might well be that the dirty
    bit is implicit rather than explicit: The file system is clean if the
    last log record says that there are no pending transactions.

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